Night-O-VI and Trail-O-VII

June 18-19, 2010 - Taylorsville MetroPark

Weather: mid 80's & humid.

Attendance: 50 in 29 groups

Hope everyone had a great time. Wildlife reported included: Does, Snorting Bucks, wild turkeys, Woody Woodpecker (Pleated woodpecker), raccoon, opossums, squirrel, Indigo Bunting, Hawks, & skunk. A few people might have also encountered stinging nettles & poison ivy.

Results attached and hope to see you next month for the Bike-O (Read attached flyer).

Night-O & Trail-O Volunteers:
Nicole Berna (Set all controls)
Tim Snyder (Flagged all controls)
Sharon Bond (Registration)
Matt Bond (Printed maps and O-Training)
Ben Bond (Set-up tear-down)
Sarah Berna (Set-up tear-down)
Andy Helmick (Pick-up all controls)
Jeff McPherson (Trail-O training)

Larry Berna, LEED AP BD+C
Starco, Inc.
cell 937-313-3283

Night-O Results (PDF file)

Trail-O Results (PDF file)

Bike-O Flyer (Word doc)