Miami Valley
Jr. Orienteering Championship Practice
and Turkey Hunt
November 11, 2017 - Taylorsville MetroPark
Weather: 30°F early, warming to a fabulous 45° by afternoon, and sunny
Attendance: 31 in 15 starting units
Thanks for meet assistance:
Course Set-up: Bob & Barbara Hays
Registration: Sharon Bond
Starts: Bob & Barbara Hays
Control retrieval: Bill Donnally, Bob & Barbara Hays, Tom Svobodny
Thanks to all for attending. I hope everyone enjoyed their courses. Attendance was down significantly for this November event this year. I can only summize that the cold weather kept people away.
With the low turnout, Jr. Champs and Turkey Hunt classes are shown together in the results, .
The split time list shows time spent traveling between each control. For each competitor, the first row shows cummulative time, and the second row shows each leg's split time. Leading times are in blue.
The 2018 Miami Valley Jr. Orienteering Championships are planned for March 17, 2018 again at Taylorsville MetroPark with Jr. Champs starts from 9-11 AM. School coaches should contact Matt Bond if they have a scheduling conflict. I look forward to handing out many trophies!
Note for juniors. On Saturday, November 25th, 2017, Orienteering Cincinnati (OCIN) is hosting an orienteering training camp at Miami University, Oxford, OH. Check the OCIN Schedule Page for details. I encourage all to attend and boost their navigational skill.
The next MVOC event is the Night-O at Cricket Holler Scout Camp on December 9. It includes a Search & Destroy - O and a Potluck Party after the event. Check out more details on the MVOC home page.
Matt Bond
Meet Director
Jr. Champs Practice & Turkey Hunt Results
Jr. Champs Practice & Turkey Hunt Splits
Jr. Champs Practice & Turkey Hunt Winsplits file
Use with Winsplits Pro