Valentine Hunt 2025        
Sweet Arrow Reserve - February 15, 2025


Perfect weather was ordered and mis-delivered for the 2025 Valentine Hunt with temps in the 30's and rain/mist all day.  We had a good turnout of the orienteering diehards with 16 participants in 10 starts.

To start the activities right, Alexander Wick charged out of the mist on his electric scooter ⚡.  After running his course and helping collect controls I wondered how well he would fare on the cold, wet trek home, but he said his heated jacket ⚡ was just getting up to temp and he'd be okay.

Now, on an average day of orienteering, the yellow course is the most popular.  On this day, no one chose to do the yellow course!

Everyone enjoyed the mud, with one person going out a second time to have more fun. 

As this was the Valentine Hunt, red Valentine cutouts were hung from all the controls on the white course, and heart-shaped chocolates were available for snacking at the finish.

Many thanks to all those that helped make the event a success:
Registration: Sharon Bond
Control Retrieval: Alexander Wick and Patrick Hollenbeck

Matt Bond
Meet Director

